Nordic design and stylish interior Solely decored with design furniture
Great service and high quality Get spoiled by the personnel
The breakfast you look forward to Ecological breakfast buffet
Ecology & Sustainability
Hotel Oasia serves ecological and organic food and cereals in the breakfast buffet. The hotel has achieved “bronze” in the Danish state controlled food label “Det Økologiske Spisemærke”.
“Det Økologiske Spisemærke” is as mentioned a state controlled food label that is used to make clear how much of the foods and drinks served at danish eateries that are organic. Bronze means that between 30-60% of all foods served is organic.
We care about the environment – and your comfort
You have chosen a Green Key business/company. This means that you are automa-tically helping to preserve the environment, as we meet Green Key’s environmental requirements. We make it easier for you to care for the environment without diminishing
your experience and comfort.
We hope you will have an enjoyable and environmentally friendly stay with us.
Welcome to the green world
Green Key is awarded to tourism businesses that make an extra effort to protect the environment. A Green Key business must comply with environmental criteria on saving electricity, water and heat consumption and using environmentally friendly organic products.
We make it easier for you to care of the environment
Regarding energy the business reduces CO2 climate impact by energy-efficient lighting, control on lighting, heating and ventilation. The business is equipped with water-saving toilets, faucets and showers and cleaning and washing is done with respect for the environment. In addition, the business must prepare an environmental policy and continuously set new goals for environmental work. All this is done with an ongoing education and involvement of the staff.
All Green Key companies will be approved by a special panel of experts and checked regularly to ensure that they meet the requirements.
Help us stay green
You have chosen a Green Key hotel. This means that you are automatically helping to preserve the environment, but as a guest you can help by:
Using towels an extra day
Saving water
Drink more water from the tap – and less bottled water. In Denmark the tap water is perfectly clean.
Switching off lights, heating or aircondition when not required